The Prodigy
This is a secret hidden page about The Prodigy, which was my favourite band growing up. Its an example of how music from the heart interfaces with God as the spirit of love in God's Electric Kingdom...
Psa 150:5-6 - Praise him upon the loud cymbals: praise him upon the high sounding cymbals. Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.
You will need an open mind, if you wish to understand this article in how I believe the Prodigy music is from the heart. Please watch this video first...
Psa 150:5-6 - Praise him upon the loud cymbals: praise him upon the high sounding cymbals. Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.
Generally Keith represents the Devil and Satan in the lyrics, while Maxim is the sound of the Holy Ghost, the spirit of truth.
The Prodigy music is made from the heart, and is never about greed. It delivers a unique, true sound with energy and venom.
This page is about the chronology of The Prodigy lyrics and artwork, as an example of how music made from the heart resonates with the Kingdom of God that surrounds our planet and the 'Cosmic Boss' meaning God himself.
Click through the Albums below to see the timeline of The Prodigy which I believe reads like a book, of truth about our realm warning mankind throughout:
Experience Album [1992]
▼Jericho "The Horns of Jericho" - A biblical story where God asked man to play the horns and the impenetrable walls of greed collapsed. The Horns are now played through 21st Century loudspeakers..See [Invaders Must Die Album]
Music Reach "Does it still break free? Make me wanna..." - Does The Prodigy music reach? Read on and find out
Wind it up "Equal rights and justice in this time"
Hyperspeed G-Force "Cruising Hyperspeed, 9 times the speed of sound". Gravity is an Electrical phenomenon (see Bes)
Out of Space "I take your brain to another dimension, so hold it play close attention"
Everybody in the place "Everybody is in the place, lets go!" - Planet earth is the place, its waking up
Weather Experience - Start controlling the weather, see HAARP
Fire "I am the God of Hell Fire, and I bring you.. Fire" - Introducing God as controller of the Stars. Also in the video that accompanies this track, Keith who represents Satan is shown going down into the abyss through a volcano. The rest of the band ascend on jetpacks.
Music for the Jilted Generation Album [1994]
▼The word apocalypse or Ἀποκάλυψις in Greek means 'lifting of the veil', to reveal the hidden knowledge and this is exactly how I deciphered the hieroglyphs. The man on the front of this album is screaming for his true love through a veil, its a Jilted Generation. 'Thoughts' are now controlled deceiving love, the very definition of the word Jilted. On the inside cover of the album you see a baron wasteland and a big man made earthquake made by the greedy city. The Prodigy dancers have their Jericho horns or loudspeakers with the cosmic boss on the beautiful green grass with a yellow sun.

Intro "So I decided to take my work back underground, to stop it falling into the wrong hands" - God or 'The Cosmic Boss' is going underground with The Prodigy. (Greed has infiltrated the Church and they're failing in their historic role.)
Break and Enter - "Break it down to earth, ooo yeah!"
Their Law - Pop will eat itself - Under current law pop (the leadership) eats itself.
"I am the law you can't beat the law" - Repeated, represents the Police and elite powers attitude.
Prodigy reply with "**** em and their law".
"Crack down at sun down" - The Prodigy hint of a Jericho/Narayan Electric Sun end of the age event.
Full Throttle "We're going in full throttle" - Mankind is going full throttle on the wrong law
Voodoo People "magic people, voodoo people, The voodoo, who-do-what-you-don't-dare-do people " - Warning of the magic that will come, in the video The Prodigy start by putting on the cross meaning 'life' and for protection from evil spirits through the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Heat "The energy bridge, the heat" - The Sun is not thermonuclear, in God's Electric Kingdom stars are powered by birkeland currents that carry God's Electricity. The Sun is exactly as the song says, an energy bridge that emits heat. See Ra
Poison "I got the poison, I got the remedy, rhythmical remedy" In a deceived Love generation Poison is lies and deception, while the rythmical remedy to that is the TRUTH. Its a tune about life. This was my favourite tune growing up and God spoke to me during it as a teenager, I had a tingle down my spine and he said I would need this music when I was older. Electric stars are controlled by God and Chapter 2 in the music is all about The Pressure (which i believe means voltage) - the coming Black Sun..
No Good [Start the Dance] - The Prodigy start the dance with Jericho, its the first track on the first album Experience. They also smash down the wall in the video to this music while Keith as Satan is bound up. A song about one love.
One love - Marriage and one love represented by the ring on the single. Watch the pyramids as electric discharge points get activated in this video. This is One Love from the cosmos and the control of God's Electricity 'inwardly' by the stick man atop of the Pyramid holding the lightning bolt. For some fun pause the video at 1min30s and see all the different images ranging from the ceiling at Dendera, to Satan holding two skulls, the Great Pyramid with Prodigy stamped over it and the secret of Egyptology - love life. Its why we are here, and the Lord Jesus Christ is the way to Heaven.
[Narcotic Instrumental] - explains the situation with the sky in a jilted generation, (its lined) airplanes and haarp etc
Claustrophobic sting "my mind is glowing, hahahaha" - A halo is formed around the mind. Rattle snake in the background, the Snake being the animal of the Stars (see Ra). Man crying because its a jilted generation, a generation full of deceived love.
No Man Army - no mans lands a desolation and abomination is about to happen - hence a message to the fat of the land (next album).
The Fat of the Land Album [1997]
▼I purchased this Album as a kid on holiday in France when it first came out. Later on in my life I came to the realisation that it is all about the Abomination of Desolation - how the fat of the land are behaving with the women of the empire and then the corresponding consequence for that behaviour is dealt with later in the Album:
This album is about the Fat of the Land as the people that run the planet with greed commonly termed by the people as 'elites' but I call them money worshippers. During this time the Fat of Land are learning how to couple their super-weapons to God's Electricity and also control people - this is explained in the beginning tracks with their corresponding videos (now banned).
The first track is now banned, but it is a video that explains remote neural monitoring - how the Fat of the Land remote view through peoples eyes and control them to rape and defile true love. Its the first track following a Jilted Generation meaning deceived love generation. This is exactly what the author of this website endured, losing his true love to mind control by the Fat of the Land, whilst trying to study Civil Engineering at Bath University - its what led to Revelation 2:17 being fulfilled by the creator of
Breathe "Breathe with me" is about the two opposing spirits as you live your life - what you breathe in spiritually into your vessel and their competition for you. Keith sings for Satan (deception and lies), while maxim sings for the Holy Ghost (the Truth). Satan wants to escape out of the room and for people to breath him in, to play Satans game of deception where you become the victim. While Maxim sings the truth of the Holy Ghost saying to exhale that Evil demonic spirit and inhale the truth. Its a very spiritual tune with a real mix of the two spirits, truth and lies/deception that we are presented with in this realm as we live life on this planet. What makes it even more exciting is the video refers to the cosmic realm with its use of hieroglyphic animals and symbols throughout the video: now truthfully decoded at
Heres some : Hieroglyphs in Breathe: to show it is indeed about the cosmic realm:

Diesel Power All about the Fat of the Lands Empire and its Oil Power, the foundation of our civilization.
"My Lyrical Form is clouds on your Brainstorm" - The lyrics will open your mind
"The melody is Phat!" – The melody is about greed.
"Yeah, I'm on the Energy Source" – Free Electricity from the Ionosphere
"The Cosmic Boss with Prodigy, Different astrology" – Cosmic boss meaning God is now with The Prodigy, not oil greed. Different astrology meaning the God Electric Kingdom.
"My intellect's Devour, With Diesel Power" – Scientists do their work for oil greed
"Blows your mind Drastically, Fantastically!" - Peoples minds are literally blown by oil greed, (the truth is the God Electric Kingdom)
"Check it out, You better work it out, Change to a love about" - Change to a love about meaning heaven and free energy
"Do a track so fast, beyond the human eye" - Noone saw my lyrics
"Smacked Up, Backed Up" - Another oil war
"Exploit the Point, It attracts, To Devour My intellect's proceed... With Diesel Power"- Scientists do their work only on oil greed
"My Amplifier blows on your World's Higher, World's Sire, Cuts like a Barbed Wire" - SuperDARN or HAARP. The sky heaters at the poles of the earth are amplifiers that act like barbed wire to your spiritual connection. See
"Upbeat Liftin' Shiftin' Persistin' Intelligent Kingpin" - Intelligent Kingpin is the owner of Oil Power, Rockefeller/Rothschild.
"Model 706-8073-4-21, Robot Sonic" - Computers that control thought like robots
Funky Shit - Maxim summons the Cosmic Boss with his silver glove at Phoenix or love festival. 3m36s ELF enters maxims bioelectric field through his head. "Attention all personnel, O My God, O Good God, Jesus Lord! O my God that is some Funky Shit!"
Mind Fields "This is dangerous, open up your head, feel the shell shock" - The universe is made of mind fields where the brain is a transmitter and receiver of thought as described by the Wedjat or senses - this song explains how your thought is not always your own, - open up your head feel the shell shock. SPIRITUAL WARFARE and a reminded of how the Fat of the Land are behaving with womens brains - remote viewing them and controlling them (1st track).
Narayan Is one of Gods Angels, Lucifer. It can mean Universe Overlord as in Hinduism the overlord or Narayan is true love. Narayan describes a solar event decimating the Earth controlled by Narayan, it follows the track 'Mind Fields' and the album 'Jilted Generation' meaning a deceived love generation.
"If you believe the Western Sun is falling down on everyone, And you feel it burn, don't try to run, And you feel it burn, your time has come."
In the God Electric Kingdom the Sun can be temporarily electrically depressed by God, this is the true understanding of a Lucifer event and is described by this track.
The Chant, "Om Naman Narayana" is made 6 + 6 + 6 times.
'Om' is the energy of our sun, the vibration of the supreme. 'Naman' means greeting, bowing down to 'Narayan' our Universe Overlord - God. The tune is against the Fat of the Land for a Jericho event. The lyrics prepare you, asking you to trust your electric soul when you die.
Firestarter - What happens straight after an event like 'Om Naman Narayanna'. "Your the fire starter", it means you the people start this fire Keith as (Satan) represents the western empire as he wears americas flag.
Climbatize Planet climatization
Fuel my fire Liars are having their soul destroyed when they die. There is no afterlife for those who harm True Love and blaspheme the Holy Ghost.
For, behold, the day is coming, burning like a fire pot; and all the arrogant and every doer of wickedness will be chaff. And the coming day will set them ablaze
- Malachi 4:1
Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned Album [2004]
▼Currently true love is always outnumbered, but never outgunned, (the Universe is based on true love and has the guns). The front of this album the persons eyes are made from two red suns, showing that an electric sun event is being watched which is demonstrated by the first track, Spitfire. This follows on from the previous album and the Narayan Firestarter event.
The middle of the album the tracks are titled "Wake Up Call", Action Radar - "Don't See about that Radar, don't see that I'm wrong" which is a big reference to research HAARP, the inducing mechanism for man made earthquakes using the Earth. Lockheed Martin and Raytheon (the two largest military contractors) are at the poles of the earth under the guise of helping the wildlife - Total BS. These tracks are followed by Medusa's Path and Phoenix meaning control of the snake or Sun by the Phoenix or love. It ends with a reminder from the cosmos, "The Way" and "Shoot Down".
Baby's Got A Temper video and lyrics explained..
The lyrics "You can see me do another parallel" shows poor Hesat, as the Galactic Cow being date raped with royhpnol. A metaphor for the Fat of Land using decieved love to couple into God's Electricity, the milk from the cosmos that powers their superweapons. The Prodigy arrive in disguise to deliver the message...
"You can see me comin' from a mile off" - The Cosmic Boss has been singing through the hearts of The Prodigy for decades in disguise like 'mind fields' using the Earths Electric Field.
"Once again ignite the skyline" - Previous Albums Fat of the Land Cosmic Firestarter event is heard in the background as a reminder.
"Shes gonna be printed on money" - Watch here - This is about Greed. Also money printing / quantitative easing also funds the military industrial complex as it did the Royal family.
"We love rohypnol, She got rohypnol, We take rohypnol, Just forget it all" - Cows are being milked in the background to the sound of taking rohypnol, implying God's Electricity is used for deceived and jilted love. To the cosmos a Cow represents a Galaxy or Galactic transformer as a supply of electrical nourishment. Milk is the metaphor for the nourishment of God's Electricity throughout the cosmos.
"This baby's got a temper, You'll never tame her" - The baby is our Galaxy (Keith speaks it to Hesat's lips 3m47s)
"You can see me do another parallel, Better bow down your not worthy. Hey get off my planet, Yeah." - Cosmic Boss just did another parallel showing Cows being milked representing the nourishment of the galactic circuit being used for deceived and jilted love. (In the 21st century God's Electricity provides the power supporting the Fat of the Land's super-weapons destroying cities like Christchurch, New Zealand. God is saying to The Fat of the Land you are not worthy, bow down and get off Gods planet.)
Invaders Must Die Album [2009]
▼The album artwork and music is an Omen from the heart courtesy of the Cosmic Boss. It shows antennae projecting energy to cause natural disasters by coupling into the power of God's Electricity, destroying cities like Christchurch, New Zealand. The album is an Omen that prophesies nearly two years to the exact day, the planned invasion that murdered the innocent people of Christchurch for greed.

The artwork and the music on this album refers to 'Invaders' as those using radars like HAARP or SuperDARN, otherwise known as the 'Fat of the Land', to terrorize and kill the innocent people, destroying cities like Christchurch, New Zealand for greed.
The first video Invaders Must Die shows Noel Clarke marking the Radars and the Power Grid that supplies the electricity to the Radar for destruction with The Prodigy Ant. There is also reference to dead fish caused by the transmission of these HAARP type Radar. Watch it here.
The lyrics are "Invaders must die", "We are The Prodigy" - a clear message - "We aint afraid of ya, I tell you no lie, invaders gonna die".
[The criminal military cartels on this planet are the invaders that just run an automation.]
The album artwork references HAARP and SuperDARN, a series of Antennas and Radars creating electrical man made earthquakes to destroy cities like Christchurch, New Zealand and others - the lyrics to Thunder explicitly describing these events.
"I hear thunder, but there's no rain, this type of thunder, breaks wall and window pane". - Describing a man made Earthquake into solid rock, Scientists have recently discovered an Earthquake is underground lightning or electric discharge - hence the name, Thunder. At the beginning of the track you will hear the weapon charging exactly as the HAARP weapon can operate in the days leading up to an attack, then in the music at 36s you hear a man shouting "HAARP, HAARP, THUNDER, HAARP HAARP, INSIDE". This is music from the heart.
Omen - Meaning a phenomenon believed to foretell the future, the writing on the wall is referring to the Book of Daniel, and the ancient text only Daniel could decipher shortly before Babylons destruction... "You Just run an automation, the writings on the wall, it wont go away...its an Omen" - Exactly 2 years later to the nearest day, in 2011 Christchurch, New Zealand is targeted with the Earthquake weapon using God's Electricity- Its an Omen - Invaders to the Planet must die... The logo of an upside down cross is shown throughout this video, at 59s as a tattoo, again at 1min 11s, 2min 15s, a 5 pointed star on the drum at 2min 17s. The upside down cross is not a anti christian symbol as Peter was crucified upside down, instead it is a symbol of anti-authoritarianism and defiance. At the end of the video the fat man, known by previous albums as the fat of the land or elites go to grab the Glockenspiel (Bell/Resonance Play) from the little girl but is destroyed by her dark side 2 min 57s. The Omen foretells anti-authoritarianism and defiance to the people who destroyed Christchurch 2 years later with their Earthquake weapons.
Warriors Dance - The video shows the Prodigy Ant inside the Sun, Earthquakes are powered by God's Electricity through the Sun and this video is started by an earthquake with the Sun thumping the floor waking up the skull and cross bones along with the upside down cross, a symbol for anti-authoritarianism and defiance. The upside down cross is a symbol for anti-authoritarianism and defiance and led by The Prodigy Ant in the video..
Worlds on Fire "Worlds on fire, its about to expire, its too close to the wire". - Time up, your too close to the wire, the wire is greed. Never evolve on it. The Fat of the Land just wired their greed to God's Electricity to blow up cities like Christchurch and Fukushima. Change direction soon or God will answer this stupidity..
The Day is my Enemy [2015]
▼The release of the sixth album is from Three Six Zero recordings.

Teaser - Can you hear the Fox?
"The day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night." - Is a repeated quote from the Bible. The album The Day is My Enemy uses the Fox as a metaphor to describe the day of the Lord, because the fox is introduced in the video as the thief in the night. (The fox stealing from a table in the night)
The Day is my Enemy The Fox is introduced in the video as the thief in the night. The lyrics and video to The Day is My Enemy both indicating a solar event, in the night you are facing away from the Sun and so are shielded.
Nasty - The Lord is represented by the Fox, as the Thief in the night. The four horsemen represent the empire that is mind controlling Christians that wear Christ "Nasty Nasty Triple X Rated". - Like what happened to me at uni when the empire mind controlled my true love from me as a Christian.
One of the biggest judgements by Angels in the Bible is when King Nebuchadnezzar was turned into an animal when he did not recognise God as ruler over mankind. The tree in his dream was his empire, and that was cut down while Nebuchadnezzar was transformed into an animal and made to eat grass from the ground for 7 periods of time until could see God was ruler over mankind. This video represents a similar judgement by the Lord against the people of this empire.
Wild Frontier - Starts with a book on Dualism, with The thief in night or Fox as the Lord on the front cover. To me this represents how the Lord Jesus Christ can be in a Christian - duality, so it is like reading the Bible. Thief in the night or Fox teleports out before the repeated Red Sun solar event shown at the ending of the video.
Get Your Fight On - "Have you got the critical mass. Let loose the energy flash."
Invisible Sun and the Wall of Death is describing the same apocalyptic event - "Invisible Sun - a star lit in the dark, Invisible Sun - a shadow upon the stars."
AWOL "Theres something out there that you don't control"

The meaning of the word Prodigy:
1. A person with exceptional talents or powers.
2. An act or event so extraordinary or rare as to inspire wonder.
3. Archaic A portentous sign or event; an omen.
In parts of Africa, Ants are considered to be the messengers of the Gods. It is no coincidence that The Prodigy logo has always been the Ant. They're extremely sensitive to their electrical environment.
The Ants circle the phone due to the magnetic field it creates when transmitting a telephone call. Amitermes meridionalis, commonly known as the magnetic termite build their mounds aligned with the main axis running North South.