Giza Plateau
The hieroglyphs found in the West Field of the Giza Plateau, explain the function of the Pyramids on the Giza Plateau. The overwhelming evidence for this understanding is only apparent using the true decipherment of electricity into the ancient hieroglyphs, decoded by in 2013.
The hieroglyphs on the plateau go into great detail explaining both why and how an offering of negative charge was made to the Earth in order to support life. The flow of charge supports Earths Double layer, and corresponding electric and magnetic fields that shield us from cosmic rays and solar outbursts.
Below are examples taken from the Giza Plateau showing you the true meaning of the hieroglyphs on the Plateau deciphered by
Abu-Bakr - Akhethetep (Male)
Give Plasma Offering Resonant Negative Charge, (increase) Negative Charge Electric Potential
The decipherment of electricity into the hieroglyphs, describes Akhetthetep as the gift of a resonant negative charge plasma offering, to maintain and increase the negative charge electric potential (of the earth).
Further examples confirm this understanding:
Abu-Bakr - Hemtakhti (Female)
Abu-Bakr - Nihetepkhnum
Plasma Offering of Resonant Negative Charge to the Oscillating Double Layer
From right to left the text describes transfering charge to the double layer of the earth using Pyramids:
Grow Negative Charge, Pyramid Negative Plasma Charge offering, Pyramid Resonant stored charge within the double layer, God [something] Electrostatic monopole projected [sarcophagus] to seek the collection of charge for strong electric field, producing anode [radiant store] project through ionosphere God great guide enclosure with sieve ionosphere electric field perforated, electrostatic [something] discharged to double layer, plasma negative charge oscillation offering.
Further information:
As an example the basic translation of the left column reads:
Grow negative charge to pyramid, plasma charge offering to home / Earth, Negative Charge oscillation perforate home / Earth [oscillating current / lung] [face] [star - full] [star - half] to seek sheath and stored charge magnetic field, negative charges support electric potential capture stored charges, offering to anode [plasmasphere/ionosphere] seek stable magnetic field [anode] [anode].
To understand in further detail the different processes required to charge the Earth are explained in what humans call 'Mastabas', but are in fact explaining the physics of charging the Earth...
G5330 - Ihy
Collect charge to collect Birkeland Current
G5210 - Khemetnu
Discharge Many [3 order] Negative Charge Oscillation through the Plasma Sieve (Ionosphere)
Explaining the negative charge discharged through the (ionosphere) projected by God [Flag hieroglyph].
5230 - Babaf
Inject Electrical Power to Double Layer Store
Traditionally Babaf was understood as "His Ba is Khnum" (Wiki), but using the GodElectric Hieroglyphs he describes the injection of electrical power into the Double Layer around the planet for store and consumption (supporting the magnetic field of the Earth).
5110 - Duaenre
Capture Oscillation of Stars Electric Force Projection Operation
Traditionally Duaenre was understood as (Wiki), but using the GodElectric Hieroglyphs he describes capturing oscilation of a stars electric force projection operation.
5110 - Khentkaus - Electrostatic Stable [linked] Surplus Charge Stores
5110 - Isu - Electric Field Grows with Collection of Charge
5150 - Henkit
- Collect Charge, Operate Pyramid, Negative Charge to Anode Charge Store Birkeland Current5150 - PtahHotp
- Resonant negative charge within birkeland current resonant negative chargeG5010 -> G5090
G5032 - Redenes Electrostatic absorption oscillation projected pyramid, wife Mertiotes electrostatic negative charge injection sewn in.From right to left:Grow Negative Charge projected through ionosphere, to move charge, stable negative charge oscillation electrostatics, attribute of entrapment/power
More truth coming soon! :)