Seti I Temple
The name 'Seti' comes from the word Set, meaning the Seti I Temple describes the connection of negative charge delivered to the galaxy from deep space or the Aether. Inside Seti I Temple are hieroglyphs known as the Abydos kings list, they show a list of 76 uses of negative charge provided by the Aether to the galactic power line or God's Electricity.

Below is Seti to the left, and Ramesses II to the right. The Sun above Seti shows the outer galaxy supported by ejection on the left, and inner galaxy supported by ejection on the right. Seti offers 'God's Electricity supporting life from collection of supernovae energy' to the right, dictating the direction of current flow to the inner galaxy. Seti is also gifting a hot pot meaning 'operation of Charge store or stars in the Galaxy' showing how this electricity powers the galaxy. The hieroglyphs for Ramesses II describe the galactic power line as the electrostatic flow or lightning powering stars.

Ramesses II on the right is shown delivering the terms of the Galactic circuit, this is shown below and was previously known as the Abydos Kings list.

The above text describes how to grow negative charge, to be used by the inner and outer galaxy.
[1st Column] Negative charge grown and collected as supernovae wave, attribute to the inner galaxy. Negative charge grown and sewn in to the Sun, seek and entrap the injection of charge as an attribute to support inner galaxy. Seek and gift pyramids, Solar Entrapment [ptah - earthspot] provide current negative charge resonance and collect [tyet] electricity from cosmic power line to support life in the cosmos delivered via plasma river (confinement) wave - attribute of supporting and guiding the outer galaxy.
[2nd Column] Negative charge grown to provide negative charge collection as an attribute supporting the inner galaxy. Negative charge grown is Gods stable Solar Energy and an attribute to the inner galaxy. Seek and gift pyramids, negative charge grown as Solar supernovae energy to support life - attribute of supporting and guiding the inner galaxy
[etc] - Repeats with other uses