Notes on Electricity and the Bible
The Bible forbids you from worshipping the Sun, Moon or any other idol. The hieroglyphs were deciphered by a Christian man in the knowledge that God is spirit and should always be worshipped in truth. The hieroglyphs provide a Christian with the best access to truth about our Universe in our time of excessive greed and deception...
John 4:24 - God is spirit, and the ones worshiping Him must worship in spirit and truth.
The Bible instructs Christians to worship God in truth, truth is something often misunderstood in our world because of greed. However the truth of Electricity in an Electric Cosmos, reveals many truths contained in the Bible and gives glory to God..
The true decipherment of the hieroglyphs reveals God as divine creator, the provider of Electric nourishment or God's Electricity in the Electric Cosmos and that which supports life on Earth.
It is therefore appropriate that we state that the statues and figurines in 'Egyptology' are NOT God, and are never described as such on this website. Truthfully this website explains the male and female components of the universe as anthropmorphic representations of an Electric Cosmos using advanced science of the plants and animals familar to ancient man. The Females represent the nourishment of negative charge throughout the cosmos while the Males are predominantly the entities and processes. Together both Male and Female components that comprise what is known today as 'Egyptology' are a gift of love and truth which explain the true physics of the Universe in stone for all to see and understand. It includes a true explanation of what Pyramids are, and how Pyramids were gifted to our planet allowing for the absorption of negative charge into the land in order to support life here on Earth. A chapter that I believe is delibrately missing from the Bible, because it is contained in Gods carvings known as the hieroglyphs.
1 Thessalonians 5 - Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
The hieroglyphs are sacred, meaning they are from God. When read and understood with the truth they describe the circuits of the cosmos, controlled by God. The same circuits are explained in the Bible and both declare the glory of God...
Psalm 19:6 - His going forth is from the extremity of heaven, and his CIRCUIT to the other end of heaven: and no one shall be hidden from his heat.

Hebrews 12:29 - For our God is a consuming fire
Luke 17:24 - For as the lightning, that lighteneth out of the one part under heaven, shineth unto the other part under heaven; so shall also the Son of man be in his day.
The following page is an example of how I interpret ancient scripture contained in the Bible, based on my own experiences and in the context of the true reality of God's Electricity powering the cosmos as that explained by the hieroglyphs.
Acts 17:23 For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you.
God is divine creator of the first order. Lord, master of Electricity in the cosmos. God is Lord and master of all fire, Lord and master of all wind, Lord and master of all water and Lord and master of all the circuits of the stars. This is what is described in both the hieroglyphs and the Bible.
Surely vain are all men by nature, who are ignorant of God, and could not out of the good things that are seen know him that is: neither by considering the works did they acknowledge the workmaster;
But deemed either fire, or wind, or the swift air, or the circuit of the stars, or the violent water, or the lights of heaven, to be the gods which govern the world. With whose beauty if they being delighted took them to be gods;
let them know how much better the Lord of them is: for the first author of beauty hath created them.
Proponents of plasma cosmology, big bang cosmology, thunderbolts or electric universe cosmology (and many others) are all fundamentally false, because they fail to acknowledge let alone consider the true and correct role that almighty God plays in creation of the first order. For example, contrary to existing ancient doctrine, believe that God is the thunderbolt and that this plasma phenomenon in the sky is thus taken to be their God. At GodElectric we know that rather than God being the thunderbolt in the sky, or plasma manifesting as a stickman, or any other phenomenon, God is far far more infinitely greater. God is in the spirit realm, and God is the true creator of the thunderbolt, with electricity understood as what is organised and pervuades across the cosmos as the mechanism powering stars of the first order, God is the creator of heaven and Earth. That is what differentiates GodElectric cosmology from any other cosmology, because at GodElectric we acknowledge the role God has, as divine creator of the first order. The circuits of heaven powering the stars would not be there, were it not for the spirit of God.
2 Timothy 4:3-4 [KJV] For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
- This internet is full of false fables, like Saturn theory, Nbiru, Ananarki etc etc
By applying the true understanding of scripture to scientific models, what is described by both the true decipherment of the hieroglyphs and the Bible we can obtain a far better understanding of the realm beyond. The GodElectric cosmology is based on the understanding of spirit, shown in the hieroglyphs by the wedjat as fundamental in creation. In the case of the Earth, organised and created by God for the harvesting of righteous true love as described in both the Bible and the hieroglyphs. Instead of trying to negate God from scienctific understanding, and following the works of atheists like Velikovsky (etc), as many do in EU circles. At GodElectric we take a completely different approach, knowing that the Universe is fundamentally created by God at the first order, with Electricity as the mechanism. God, as the spirit of wisdom, truth, and love, divine creator of the light - the circuits of the stars. Confirmation of this understanding is found in both the true decipherment of the hieroglyphs at and the Bible, and we believe this truth is waiting to be discovered elsewhere. Bottom line is, if you want an accurate forecast for the universe, then you need to include the word of God in your scientific models and understanding.
...Jeremiah 8
John 14:17 - Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.