Revelation 2:17 [KJV] ...To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.
My true love was mind control raped from me by people that claimed to be the Catholic Church in my head using subliminal messaging. It happened over many years, I have documented some of these events in truth below so that there can me no misunderstanding in the evil perpertrated by the mind control sector on this Earth. The defilement of True Love against young couples at British Universities is BAAL worship by those in the mind control sector of this Earth.
The Police in this empire have already tried to arrest me once for trying to speak the truth to the woman I love, when i tried to warn her about mind control. The police told me personally they will seek to arrest me again if I try to contact her. For that reason instead of her true name I have put her name as [Unicorn], which is meaning my true love who was mind controlled from me.
Jesus Christ is my Lord I do not lie to the best of my ability. I speak the truth and am not afraid of the truth, because I love her.
Perfect Love casts out fear and is worshipped in the TRUTH but no words can explain the pain and hurt of what she means to me.
Discerning the Spirits Timeline
For Unicorn to view
Cherubs are God protectors. (Love Protectors)
Subliminal Message / Event
Discernment (For True Love or Against?)
Teenager (pre 2000)
Listening to Poison by The Prodigy - Music for a Jilted Generation. I have a tingle down the back of my spine and the Spirit says "You will need this music when you are older".
2nd Year Uni - 2004
1st Floor, 21 Daniel Street, Bath
Housemate shouted out from his bedroom "Theres a man in my head, theres a man in my head"
2nd Year Uni - 2004/05
21 Daniel Street, Bath
Housemate randomly called [Unicorn] "Whorebag" for no reason.
2nd Year Uni - 2004/05
21 Daniel Street, Bath
While I was out, [Unicorn] was groped by a male 'friend' from her course that came to visit. She told me later that day and looked tearful.
2nd Year Uni - 2004
Kitchen Basement, 21 Daniel Street, Bath
Subliminal Message whilst watching TV "Take her away and rape her"
2nd Year Uni - 2004/05
Top Floor, 21 Daniel Street, Bath
Subliminal Message "We will take her away and you will be with her when you're older"
2nd Year Uni - 2004/05
21 Daniel Street, Bath
[Unicorn] receives a phonecall from her Mother at the end of the year, without any warning she is to leave and go study in Sweden next year.
2nd Year Uni - June 2005
Top Floor, 21 Daniel Street, Bath
I was facing the fireplace, adjacent to [Unicorns] bed and alone with her in the room beside me. The following words came out of my mouth "I have to save the world before I can be with you". I immediately in my thoughts didn’t understand how the words left my mouth, I knew that although the words left my mouth it wasnt my own mind speaking them. It wasnt until many years later, after I came back from NZ that I understood how mind controllers have the technology to control the larynx and speech remotely.
2005 [3rd year]
Bedroom, 21 Daniel Street
I have a brief subliminal, "You will never have a girlfriend".
3rd Year Uni - 2005/06
Bristol University Campus
Subliminal message "[Unicorn] has a boyfriend", [I think this was a female voice that spoke to me in Bristol]
End of 3rd Year - 2006
21 Daniel Street, Bath
[Unicorn] is now in Sweden, she was mind controlled to send 3 emails refusing to meet me in Sweden. Final email from [Unicorn] says [another 'friend' who slept with her in first year] is going to Sweden to visit her and i am "never ever going". Upon receiving this 3rd email, I burst into tears, and I have a man in my head that said I was not allowed to reply to the email. I was crying and disobeyed his command, as I went to move the mouse to click reply, it moved to delete email without me touching the computer. I saw the cursor physically move, and delete the email remotely without me touching either the Keyboard or Mouse. This email is what results in us not getting a house together in 4th year and us splitting up. I still couldn't understand mind control at this point in my life.
Extremely Evil
End of 3rd Year - 2006
21 Daniel Street, Bath
After 3 Days of being extremely upset, my Spanish friend took me out to a club in the evening and he gave me a number of a girl we met in the club. I text the girl the following day and she arrives at the front door of 21 Daniel Street asking for Sex. I did not have intercourse with her, but when she closed the door on her departure I had a clear subliminal message: "We are the Catholic Church."
Evil Setup
Summer 2006
George Street [near or on the steps], Bath
I had an unnatural and overwhelming feeling of being anxious around [Unicorn] and her sister that made no sense to me.
4th Year - 2007
STV Bath University Campus
Subliminal Message as I walked along the upper atrium: "You will have a hard life"
4th Year - 2007
New King Street Near [Unicorns] Apartment
Subliminal Message as I run after her in the street "Mind Control", I immediately dismiss the thought thinking mind control is not possible. [Unicorn] at the time is too afraid to speak to me, she looks at me like I am a ghost in fear.
Sept – Feb 2007
Bath University Outside the Civil Engineering Lecture Offices
Was thinking I should knock on the door to tell my lecturer, Paul/Andrew about the voices in my head, but I didnt as I thought they would think I was mad.
4th Year - 2007
Bath University on campus in Civil Engineering Lecture rooms
Having seen [Unicorn] now with the friend that groped her in 2nd year I get a Subliminal Message that is "(Laughing in head), saying hahaha you have got no chance". I could no longer go to lectures with the architects from this point on, I would just break down and cry if i saw her with this man who had groped her in 2nd year.
End of 4th Year - 2007
Bath University
On leaving Bath University [Unicorn] says to me I want to have a boyfriend like you. A man in my head says that all I have to do is write to her.
Unknown date (I cant remember)
My Nanny received a message from God, which she said extremely confidently was for me. I was at home by the picnic bench. "It is a Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit".
4th Year
Streets of Bath walking home early in the morning
Had already received an instruction from [Unicorn] to "sleep with girls". I didnt want to, but the following day I went to other [#friends] house, and slept in her bed with [#friend] without intercourse and had to leave early in the morning as I didnt want to do it. In the very early hours of the morning after I left walking home the message was "Thats a Tick in the box" from a mind controller. If the woman you love tells you to do something, is it like Abraham and Sarah? I couldnt go through with it
4th Year
Alpine Gardens
[Unicorn] phoned me up to say she did not love me, I was so upset, I was physically wailing from my heart. Words cant explain the hurt either before or after I have felt nothing like it. The most upset i have ever been. [Unicorn] is the only thing i have ever cried about ever since i met her.
4th year
Outside [Unicorn] house
I wait for her, to talk to her.. I run after her in the street, and as i am doing so in my head i had a man say "Mind Control" very clearly... I instantly said to myself in my head, mind control does not exist and dismissed it.... (Later on God educated me in New Zealand about mind control, and how I was wrong to think this)...
Stratford East London
[Unicorn] appears on MSN, I have a subliminal message saying: "she will go through lots of men". On MSN she says she is with another man and refuses to speak to me. When I log on MSN, she logs off and she makes it impossible to make contact.
Home, Billingshurst
Subliminal Message " [Unicorn] is being ravaged by another man"
Kitchen, Parents House, Billingshurst
(My Nanny)- Said [Unicorn's] name spontaneously and asked how she is, (I had never given or spoken to my nanny about [Unicorn] so I dont know how she got [Unicorn's] name other than through praying / mind control)
My Nan says out loud distressed and repeatedly "one of my grandsons has to go to New Zealand to be Jesus Christ". The family dismiss her as mentally instable
- Memory of this event was erased from my brain only to be re remembered and recalled July 2012 .
- Some point around here before Nanny died, she quit the Catholic Church. Walked down the isle told them all its gone to the devil. The congregation laughed at her as she went out the door.
My Nan purchases a very abnormal painting with my uncle and she gives it to me. It is of a man opening a doorway into another world, like in the movie matrix. Sometime around this time I also have a dream that im in the matrix realm trying to find [Unicorn].
Nannys House
My Nanny shouts at me the problem with the World is GREED, GREED, GREED. Around this time she also left the Catholic Church.
Around Summer 2010 before heading to NZ
Near Plaistow, Friends House - Helping to build a foundation to a new House
I was helping a friend build the foundations to a new house. He is operating the digger and I am watching on the side of the trench. I then have a series of repeated thoughts, at the time I thought these were my own thoughts, but I now realise it was a powerful spirit inside my vessel. It told me repeatedly "find a stone, find a stone, you must find a stone". These thoughts felt completely natural to me at the time, as if they were coming from me and were my own thoughts. So that when the digger bucket brushed the side of something about 1.2m in the ground, I jumped into the trench and physically dug a stone out of the side of the footing, which was this stone:
White Chalk Flint Neanderthal StoneThe thoughts that then went through my vessel immediately on digging the stone out of the side of the footing with my bare hand, was that these people were destroyed by a volcano. I then saw a layer /strata of what is probably condensed ash in the ground above the stone which was a few hundred mm thick. Not long after this I had a break, and on cleaning the stone and seeing it was a chalk flint tool a powerful spirit came over me. I had an unexplainable feeling of what i can only describe as alien "eeriness" which was instilled throughout my entire body, with a feeling like I had to shake it off of me. Then I received a specific message "ITS ABOUT WHAT THEY DID TO THE GIRL I LOVE". I was wearing a Japanese half red sun at the time, the only time I have worn that T-shirt. I bring the stone home and research it online, to find that specific notch on it is from Neanderthal technology probably from ~30000 years ago.
June 2011
Looking at amplifier, Home
After applying for job in New Zealand, I get a Subliminal Message "Go to New Zealand, you will learn something if you go there" (My memory of Nanny saying one of my grandsons has to go to NZ, was completely erased at this point - I had no recollection of it)
December 2011. Few days before Christchurch Christmas Earthquake.
Southern End New Zealand I see an ionized rainbow cloud in the sky. Clear subliminal Message "You will need that cloud later"
2012 ~May
Mind Controlled unknowingly to front garden of Structural Geologist to discuss 'HAARP'/ionospheric antennae EQ weapons.
Summer 2012
New Zealand
In New Zealand, one of the threats before they started attacking me a lot with different mind control deceptions; was via V2k, voice to skull I can only describe it as like being on the phone to someone but inside my head, in my bedroom. They said "WE WILL RAPE HER, JUST SAY NEVER HAPPENED". Then a photo of [Unicorn] appeared on facebook looking like she had fallen down some stairs.
Then there was months of torture in various mental hospitals and being drugged repeatedly if I said mind control. So much so that I couldnt run or cycle with my body. You can read about that here True Story what happened in New Zealand
Home & Martyrs Ave, Crawley
On my return back to England I remembered the stone I was given, so I held the Neanderthal stone tool up to the mind controllers satellites for 2 hours whilst in the garden taunting them. The mind controllers then controlled the local police enforcement to lock me up in a mental hospital and steal the stone from me, the room I was held in had a painting of a ¾ red sun on the wall and I repeatedly read out Genesis Chapter 6 to them while they had me locked down in that prison. Specifically Genesis 6:2. How the men (Sons of God) took many young women of whom they desired and as a consequence God destroyed them (Neanderthals) with the Earth using Volcanoes.
Summer 2013
When they released me from mental hospital, and continued torturing me. I then SCREAMED AS LOUD AS I COULD, so much that my vocal box hurt. I SCReamed for [Unicorn].. And moments later i decoded electricity into the hieroglyphs.
23rd August 2013
Creation of homepage and the true decoding of electricity and magnetism into the sacred hieroglyphs, what I believe is the Hidden Manna referenced in Revelation 2:17.
Good (Rev 2:17)
6 Policemen and women then drive in multiple vehicles across the country to come and arrest me. They then seize my computer, go through all my things and take my phone and a few other items but find nothing. They try to arrest me for trying to warn [Unicorn] about mind control under the grounds of harrasment when all i did was try to make contact with her.
There are other events I could add to this timeline, like the countless times I have cried for her, because I love her. But ultimately I put my faith in the Lord God. I walked away from the Lord when she left me, as i could not understand how such things can happen. But the Lord never left me, hence I am steadfast and standing till the end. However that comes.
Standing in the Body of Christ
Let him that understands, stand in the Holy Place
Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be restrained; where there is knowledge, it will be dismissed. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when the perfect comes, the partial passes away.
Lords Prayer:
Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.
Ἀποκάλυψις is the Greek term for Apocalypse which means an 'unveiling of hidden knowledge', what is the true decoding of the hieroglyphs achieved in 2013 - what I believe Revelation 2:17 refers to as the "Hidden Manna". I was also given the White Chalk flint stone as a reminder of what happened to the Neanderthals when the Lord God destroyed them with the Earth because they defiled Love.
The true decoding of the hieroglyphs was achieved in the aftermath of the Christchurch Manmade Earthquakes, having been tortured from my true love by mind controllers for many years. As a Christian I will not lie to anyone to the best of my ability, this website was a gift to my true love and contains the truth of the cosmos explained using the hieroglyphs. I am not interested in writing books or profiteering infront of God and the cosmos from my discovery. I believe the knowledge contained in the hieroglyphs was given to all the Earth as a message of truth and love. It should therefore be available for all, to freely enjoy and understand, not just a select few. Currently, you will only find the truth presented here at GodElectric, a website created by the intial discoverer with the intent of free dissemination of the truth.
The true decoding of the Hieroglyphs unveils the hidden knowledge of the cosmos, which was in full view. It links electricity, magnetism, gravity, plasma and other principle concepts of the Universe, showing how the universe is founded on true love.
The hieroglyphs explain that it is God's Electricity which is the underpinning and nourishment to the Galaxy, Stars and Planets.
The Universe and its circuitry is presented as female, while the processes that protect it are predominantly male, the relationship between the two partners, male and female explains the current cosmology as underpinned by love.