Tile 1 - Strong Electric Field of the Sun Projecting Negative Charge to its Anode Charge Store
Tile 1 describes the strong electric field that causes a drift of negative charge to be projected toward the anode charge store, powering the Sun.
Tile 2 - Great Great Oscilation of the Anode Seeks [resonance]
Tile 2 describes how anode stars have a resonant oscilation wave, that seeks [resonance]
Tile 3 - Stars Oscilation Electric Force Powers Anode, Charge to Core Plasma Discharge
Describes the electric force that powers the anode charge store at the core plasma discharge.
Tile 4 - Inward Projection of negative charge to the Anode Plasma stability
Tile 4 describes the inward projection of negative charge oscilations, toward the anode solar barque, plasma stability.